Pathways Partnerships with Indigenous Post-Secondary Institutions

Author: J. Anaquod; J. La Rochelle; H. Simpson; D. Ursuliak | Published: Oct 15, 2021

The goal of this study was to explore current practices that help support and enhance Indigenous students’ experiences in post-secondary education. Through the use of Indigenous ways of knowing and storytelling, those supporting students at IAHLA and public post-secondary institutions gathered to weave together their stories of success, struggle, and perseverance in their journey to advance Indigenous education and improve the experiences of Indigenous students in post-secondary education.

These stories showed a wealth of positive policies and practices that support both pathway partnerships and Indigenous students, as well as areas of needed improvement. As with all Indigenous education, the research highlighted the importance of relationships, transparency, commitment, and compassion to create stronger transfer credit pathways.

The report includes a literature review of the students’ needs, an overview of the themes in the interviews with a variety of stakeholders and Elders who support Indigenous students accessing transfer credit pathways, as well as recommendations and suggestions of future studies.

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