Transfer Credit System

The Transfer Credit System (TCS) is BCCAT’s custom built application that enables institutions to submit and respond to articulation requests, and manage equivalencies published in the BC Transfer Guide. Through the TCS, institutional users can submit courses for articulation, evaluate courses, update course listings, and manage additional transfer guides such as the Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Block Transfer Guides.  In addition to BC Transfer System equivalencies, the TCS is also used as a workflow to manage pan-Canadian and international equivalencies.

The TCS is continuously being expanded to add new functionality and improve upon articulation workflows.  Every institution has a TCS account holder, normally located within the Registrar’s office, who is enabled to perform sending and receiving functions.

BCCAT is currently collaborating with other provinces to adopt the TCS within their jurisdictions. More information on these initiatives will be made available as they are developed.

For more information about the TCS, please contact ac.taccbobfsctd-80daca@sct.