International Student Survey
This report analyzes the survey responses from over 9,200 international students to capture the experiences of international students in the BC post-secondary system, to better inform ongoing policy and practice […]
Dual Credit: Secondary to Post-Secondary Transitions
This report and summary surveys the policy and practice of dual credit and examines academic literature, current practices in North America by type, benefit, and issues.
Visiting Students: Institutional Policies & Practices in BC PSE
This report surveys and analyzes policies and practices pertaining to the admission of visiting students at BC post-secondary institutions, and includes use of letters of permission practices.
Credit for MOOCs
This special report reviews existing literature on the awarding of academic credit for MOOCs, and discusses implications for student transfer in BC.
Elements of an Effective Transfer System
This report reviews the common and recommended elements of transfer and articulation policy in the US and the BC Transfer System.
Moving Forward with Flexible Pre-Majors
This report explores how participants in the BC Transfer System can facilitate the effective functioning of the currently active flexible pre-major (FPM) agreements.
Issues & Challenges in Interdisciplinary Course & Program Transfer in BC
This report investigates the interaction between complex organizational and procedural questions related, individually, to interdisciplinarity and transfer, and collectively to interdisciplinary credit transfer and student mobility.
Block Transfer Agreements: Implementing & Communicating BTAs
This report looks at implementing and communicating block transfer agreements at BC Transfer System institutions.
Adult Literacy Fundamental English (ALFE) Learning Outcomes
Possible Impacts of the New K12 Curriculum Changes in BC
This is report investigates the differences between the new Ministry of Education K-12 curriculum and ABE pathways. It provides the information necessary to develop a coordinated approach for ABE programs, by […]