Student Transfer Issues Revealed
This report analyzes the responses of former British Columbia college and institute students to transfer related questions asked in the Student Outcomes Survey and focuses on the patterns of student […]
The Educational Paths of the Class of ’88
This report provides an overview of participation and transfer patterns, graduation rates, aspirations and expectations of, and beliefs about, post-secondary participation and debt load of BC youth.
Block Transfer: Issues & Options
This report responded to direction provided in a new strategic plan for the college, university college and institute sector, which called for the development of new block transfer arrangements among […]
The Block Transfer Project
This report summarizes the steps taken in response to a college, university college and institute strategic plan calling for BCCAT to implement a block transfer system for BC. It involves […]
Mapping the Realities of First Year Post-Secondary Life
This report explores data on how institutional policies, programs, and practices of the B.C. post-secondary system facilitate or constrain successful completion of studies and explores resources and strategies used by […]
Perspectives on Transfer Effectiveness
This report and presentation analyses data available in the 1980’s and early 1990’s in a B.C. Educational Records Linkage File, which enabled tracking of students as they progressed in their […]
Longitudinal Student Flow Patterns
This report analyses data available in the 1980’s and early 1990’s in a B.C. Educational Records Linkage File, which enabled the tracking of students as they progressed in their post-secondary […]
Link File Analysis
This report analyses data available in the 1980’s and early 1990’s in a B.C. Educational Records Linkage File, which enabled tracking students as they progressed in their post-secondary studies within […]
Class of 1988: Five Years Later
This report and summary outline the findings from a second follow-up survey of the respondents to the 1989 Grade 12 Graduate Follow-up Survey Questionnaire of 1988 BC high school graduates.
Transfer Student Profiles: Thompson Rivers University
These reports provide demographic information about transfer students who were admitted to Thompson Rivers University during a particular period of time.