Assessing the Benefits of the Transfer Credit System in BC
This report looks at a potential cost-benefit analysis of an articulated system of post-secondary education and assesses the feasibility of moving to a full analysis of the benefits of an […]
Charging for Articulation
This report reviews the question of charging private or out-of-province institutions for articulation of their courses and programs with provincial public institutions, including practices in other jurisdictions, and opinions among […]
Degree Partnerships in the BC Context
This report focuses on the issue of degree partnerships, examining potential models for the BC post-secondary system.
2005 Mobility of Transfer Students in BC
This report outlines the research findings that assessed number and proportion of potential transfer students from Fall 2004 who subsequently registered at BC universities in 2005, as well as the […]
Volume of Courses Students Carry Among Central Data Warehouse Institutions
This report and summary analyze the number of courses carried by students who move between Central Data Warehouse (CDW) institutions to inform the question on whether or not the BC […]
2005 Admissions & Transfer Experiences: Continuing Post-Secondary Studies in BC
This report and summary profiles the admission and transfer experiences of ~7000 students who continued their studies in BC’s public post-secondary system after participating in either an Arts and Science […]
Credit Transfer: Models and Systems in BC, North America, & Beyond
This newsletter explores a variety of credit transfer models implemented in BC, North America, and beyond as different jurisdictions seek to address mobility issues and ease transfer for students.
Environmental Scan of BC Post-Secondary Admissions
This report evaluates the current status of admission to B.C.’s post-secondary institutions, and includes an environmental scan to ascertain the need for system-wide work on institutional admissions processes and practices.
How Much Academic Instruction Occurs Outside Research Universities in BC?
This newsletter quantifies the proportion of academic instruction that occurs in BC public post-secondary institutions other than research universities, using data from the Central Data Warehouse and BC Transfer Guide […]
Inter-Provincial Post-Secondary Student Mobility
This report identifies existing administrative and survey data sources and explores their potential, limitations, and access restrictions to improve our understanding of inter-provincial student mobility from a BC perspective.