Mathematics Flexible Pre-Major
Upper Level Credit in the BC Transfer System
This report reviews rates of upper level articulation to identify challenges and opportunities within the BC Transfer System. The study suggests lack of clarity on related policies and inconsistent awarding […]
2005-06 University Targets & Cut-Off Points for New Undergrads
This report identifies the 2005-06 BC University Targets and Cut-off Points for New Undergraduate Students.
2006-07 BC University Targets & Cut-off Points for New Undergrads
This report identifies the 2006/07 BC University Targets & Cut-off Points for new undergraduate students using data provided by the universities in order to assist institutions with enrolment planning.
BC’s Post-Secondary Transfer System: What’s Working Well? What Needs Improvement?
This report reviews the state of the BC Transfer System (2001).
Enabling the BC Transfer System
This report outlines the recommendations resulting from the Enabling of the BC Transfer System consultation in 2012.
Block Transfer: A Private Career College Student’s Ladder into the BC Transfer System
This report explores the benefits of using block transfer agreements (BTAs) to highlight their potential as versatile and efficient articulation tools. It also briefly examines the current evidence for student mobility […]
Profile of BC College Transfer Students, 2003-08
This newsletter aggregates the data from 5 universities to provide a profile of BC college transfer students entering SFU, TRU, UBC, UNBC, and UVic in the 5-year period 2003-04 to […]
Transfer Students: What Universities Need to Know
This newsletter reviews highlights of the research recently completed on “Undergraduate Student Survey on Student Satisfaction & Engagement.”
Articulation Costing
This report follows up from a pilot conducted in 2002-03 and considers the costs involved with the articulation of courses and programs between BC’s colleges, university colleges, institutes and universities.