What is a Mobile Student?

Summary discussion and response arising from Visioning Session held Nov 13/09 which addressed topics of framework and definitions used to measure the mobility of transfer students.

Then And Now

To commemorate the 100th meeting of BCCAT Council, four guests share their experiences and perspectives on the history of BCCAT since it was first established in 1989.

Block Transfer in the BC Transfer System

This report looks at the current state of block transfer agreements in the BC Transfer System. It also considers potential future directions, in the context of widespread changes in the […]

Transfer Credit Appeals

This report describes policy, processes, and issues related to appealing credit transfer decisions in BC Transfer System institutions and suggest practices that might improve students’ ability to access a transfer […]

The Time it Takes

This report and summary makes use of longitudinal data from the Student Transitions Project (STP) to examine the educational outcomes of a cohort of 23,500 students in fall 2003 who […]

Following Their Footsteps

This report and summary analyzes Student Transitions Project (STP) data that follows +6k students who moved from research universities to other public post-secondary institutions in BC between 2007-08 & 2008-09. […]