Task Force on Standards & Processes

This report identifies impediments to transfer related to administrative standards and processes to illustrate where more consistent institutional practices across the system, may provide a more equitable environment for students […]

The Block Transfer Project Update

This report provides a synopsis of feedback received as a result of the Block Transfer consultation, and informs system partners of the motions passed by BCCAT in support of optimizing credit […]

Advising Degree-Bound ABE Students

The report explains why some ABE students are not eligible to apply directly to university degree programs and provides pointers for advising degree-bound ABE students.

Accountability of the BC Transfer System

This report discusses the accountability of the BC Transfer System and its effectiveness, pursuant to the request of the Accountability Branch of the Ministry of Advanced Education (AVED) who assess […]

The Admissions Side of BCCAT

This report outlines the initiatives that BCCAT has undertaken over the past four years relating to the “admissions” side of its mandate and under the auspices of its Admissions Committee.

Recalibrating the BC Transfer System

This report and summary capture findings of a system-wide consultation which explored how transfer information in the BC Transfer Guide (BCTG) might be expanded and models developed to address significant changes in […]

Campus 2020: Thinking Ahead

This report provides advice from Council to Campus 2020 consultation in areas that relate to the mandate of BCCAT.

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