2006-07 BC University Targets & Cut-off Points for New Undergrads
This report identifies the 2006/07 BC University Targets & Cut-off Points for new undergraduate students using data provided by the universities in order to assist institutions with enrolment planning.
Enabling the BC Transfer System
This report outlines the recommendations resulting from the Enabling of the BC Transfer System consultation in 2012.
The Essential Role of Articulation Committees
This article outlines the important role played by articulation committees in creating a successful BC transfer system, and lists all currently recognized articulation committees.
New Associate Degree Requirements
This newsletter outlines the requirements for the Associate Degree as of June, 2000.
New Routes to Transfer
This newsletter provides an overview on the new routes to transfer, including the Associate Degree transfer and Business Managment transfer between diploma programs.
History of British Columbia’s Transfer System: A Bibliography of Resources
This bibliography serves as a compilation of the resources used to develop the BCCAT publication.
Instructor Qualifications for Transferable Courses
The following document represents BCCAT’s position on instructor qualifications within the BC Transfer System.
Beyond Course-to-Course Transfer
This newletter outlines where in the online BC Transfer Guide one can locate information on transferring between specific programs at different institutions.
Transfer: Some Solutions
This report addresses issues identified in the report, “Transfer: What’s the Problem?” and in particular, it examines those aspects of the transfer system pertaining to articulation and inter-institutional academic agreements […]
Transfer: What’s the Problem?
This report summarizes what the Council learned about transfer successes and difficulties, through numerous research projects and other initiatives, emphasizing the distinction between “real” and “perceived” problems.