BC Council on Admissions & Transfer

Council members are appointed by the Minister responsible for post-secondary institutions and are representatives selected from public universities, colleges, institutes; private post-secondary education; and the public secondary school system.

The Council guides the work of standing committees, each devoted to different aspects of the Council’s mandate. The work of the Council and committees is coordinated by a small team of staff.

Policy & Guidelines

BCCAT Policy 1A: Mandate, Membership, Role, and Responsibilities

BCCAT Policy 1B: General Guidelines for the Selection of Council, Committees, and Task Forces


Angus Graeme

Council Co-Chair, Former President
Selkirk College

Willy A. Aroca

Asst. Dept. Head, School of Hospitality
Vancouver Community College

John A. Chenoweth

President & CEO
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology

Avery Hulbert

Faculty Instructor
College of the Rockies

Titi Kunkel

Vice-President Academic, Students, and International
Coast Mountain College

Helen McGregor

Superintendent & CEO
Vancouver School District

Grant McMillan

University Registrar
Trinity Western University

Sam Saini

Associate Registrar, Undergraduate Admissions and Student Recruitment & Advising, University of British Columbia

Michelle Somerville

Educational Advisor, Student Services
Okanagan College

Lisa W. White

PhD Candidate Dept. of Educational Studies & Indigenous Education
University of British Columbia

Robert Fleming

Council Co-Chair Executive Director

Dianne Biin

Director, Indigenous Education & Engagement
Selkirk College

Lisa Domae

President & CEO
North Island College

Jennifer Kirkey

Instructor, Faculty of Science
Douglas College

Karen McCredie

Executive Director

Stephanie McKeown

Chief Institutional Research Officer
University of British Columbia

Zena Mitchell

Vice President, Students
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Kathy Siedlaczek

Dean, Academic Planning & Quality Assurance
British Columbia Institute of Technology

Laureen Styles

Special Advisor, President’s Office
Capilano University

Sunita Wiebe

Director, Academic Quality Assurance
Langara College

Council Remuneration

In carrying out his duties as  BCCAT External Co-Chair, Mr. Angus Graeme engaged in 3 Council meetings & several other meetings and activities pursuant to Council business in fiscal year April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024. Meeting fees remuneration was provided in the amount of $1,600, as well as travel expense reimbursement.

Upcoming Meetings

BCIT - Downtown Campus
BCIT - Downtown Campus
BCIT - Downtown Campus
BCIT - Downtown Campus