Transfer & Articulation Community Award, Leadership Award & Frank Gelin Lifetime Achievement Award.
BCCAT is delighted to announce the winners of the 2015 BCCAT Transfer Awards! It is individuals like these – and many more across the province – who contribute to the remarkable success of the BC Transfer System. These awards recognize individuals or groups who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in the BC post-secondary system by engaging in activities that have made a significant and valuable contribution to the transfer community. We are delighted to share this opportunity with our our post-secondary partners to celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding achievements of colleagues in support of transfer and articulation in BC.
Transfer & Articulation Community Award
Carol Pollock, Professor, Director of First Year Biology, Zoology, UBC
She has been the heart and soul (and memory) of Biology articulation for over 15 years and she retired this year. We are going to be at a loss as there is no way to replace what she brought to our community.
– Blythe Nilson, Associate Professor, Biology, UBC-O
Leadership Award
Peter Wylie, Associate Professor, Economics UBC-O
Peter’s open and inclusive leadership style has helped to build a strong articulation committee. Committee members are inspired to contribute ideas and participate in proposals to improve the communication among the different institutions, the flow of information, and ultimately to optimize the transfer process for students in Economics courses and programs.
– Yolina Denchev, Program Leader, Economics, Camosun College
Frank Gelin Lifetime Achievement Award
David Leeming, Professor Emeritus, Math & Educ Liaison for BC & AB Colleges & Universities, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, UVic
His warmth, compassion and integrity inspire respect and remind us all that successful articulation is based on good relationships and a shared purpose.
– Susan Oesterle, Associate Dean, Science & Technology, Douglas College